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关键词:  场馆  社交媒体  新媒体  教育 A Review of Researches on the Application of Social Media by Museums at Home and Abroad Luo Luo Li Jihong
A Review of Researches on the Application of Social Media by Museums at Home and Abroad
Luo Luo,Li Jihong
This paper reviews the researches on the application of social media by museums at home and abroad. It is found that studies abroad mainly focus on some topics, such as the discussion of the social media influence on museum authority, the comprehensive analysis of the application of social media by museums, the strategies application of social media promoting museum education, the social media influence on museum management, and the publication of industry guidelines for social media application. These topics range from analyzing the feasibility of social media applications to observing their effects, then to thinking about their impact and proposing preliminary application specifications. On the other side, domestic research topics can be obviously divided into three periods:the embryonic stage focusing on drawing inspiration, the practice stage focusing on communication and marketing, and the practice and discussion stage of museums' core functions. In general, more attention is paid to the positive effects of social media applications. Compared with researches abroad, the domestic researches mainly focus on communication and marketing, especially on phenomenal operation strategies of the social media platform of museums. In the quantitative researches on the social media application in domestic museums, the types of research objects are relatively scarce. A few studies focus on the impact of social media on the museums' core education function and related management mechanisms, but few focus on how to regulate the operation of social media to ensure the authority and credibility of museums.
Key words:  venue, social media, new media, education

