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关键词:  文献收藏机构  文献展览  研究分期  关键问题 Research Review on Exhibitions Developed by Literature Collection Institutions:Introduction and Influence of the Relevance Study of Museology Zhou Jingjing
基金项目:国家社会科学基金青年项目“互联网线上线下融合的文献收藏机构展览研究”,编号:16CTQ001。 ② 〖ZK
Research Review on Exhibitions Developed by Literature Collection Institutions:Introduction and Influence of the Relevance Study of Museology
Zhou Jingjing
Exhibitions, as one of the highlights of information utilization and service innovation offered by literature collection institutions, have attracted a large audience with features of visualization, vividness and sense of experience. And exhibition has gradually become the core business in literature collection institutions and showed a broad development prospect in recent years. However, many literatures are displayed directly or nested in exhibitions of general history. Consequently, the most valuable internal information of literatures has not been interpreted, transformed and presented, which leads to the less significant effect of the exhibitions on information utilization and services innovation. Accordingly, this paper will break the boundary of museum research and take literature exhibitions from different collection institutions as research objects. An academic history review, which was on researches of literature exhibitions in different institutions and of different disciplines, has been conducted. Based on such review, the research trends have been analyzed and the research space has been explored to figure out key problems. This paper advocates the introduction of correlation analysis on exhibition in the field, and gets inspiration from academic achievements in museology that lays an objective foundation for focusing on and discussing the common problems of literature exhibitions.
Key words:  literature collection institution, literature exhibition, research stage, key problem

