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展览主题与展览设计各项工作的关系 ——以“遇见更好的你”心理学专题展为例
关键词:  科技馆  展览  主题  各项设计工作  相互关系
The Relationship between the Exhibition Theme and Related Design Work ——A Case Study on the Psychology Exhibition Be All You Can Be
Wang Zise
“How to refine the theme” and “how to express the theme through the content of the exhibition” are two important problems in designing the thematic exhibition in science and technology museums, and both the two problems concern the relationship between the exhibition theme and related design work. The paper firstly discusses the positon of exhibition design during the dissemination of information. Then an analogy of “tree” is used to illustrate the relationship, in the structure of which the literature research results and materials are roots, the exhibition theme is the trunk, the exhibition frame is the branches, and the display form is the leaves. The thematic psychological exhibition Be All You Can Be is an example to put forward that investigation is the basis for refining the theme and planning the content, the work to refine theme should balance “the demand and the supply”, and the process to refine theme is dynamic and developing. In line with author's practice, five common frameworks of thematic exhibition are summed up, and the method for content planning is put forward.
Key words:  science and technology museum, exhibition, theme, related design work, relationship

